HUBTEX offers various accessories for your industrial trucks in addition to the vehicle- specific equipment. These accessories are purchased from well-known suppliers unless they are manufactured in-house to our own design. Below you will find a choice of the most important components.
Rack guidance

HUBTEX offers three different rack guidance systems which allow minimum aisle widths for operating HUBTEX system vehicles . Operating with as little as 100mm safety clearance per side Hubtex offer rail guidance, inductive loop guidance (wire guidance) and optical guidance whereby the truck follows a line painter on the floor.
Safety package - aisle recognition

Due to the use of the HUBTEX safety package in combination with an aisle recognition system, the functions of an industrial truck can be adjusted to an optimal degree of vehicle safety. For example the speed of a truck while entering and leaving the rack aisle is automatically adapted and driving with simultaneous mast outreached is prevented.
Camera systems

In particular during the handling of very bulky, long and high loads, the truck driver often does not have a good all-round view from the cabin. For this purpose, HUBTEX offers different versions of camera systems intended to optimally support the driver during his/her work. The camera systems are installed in such a manner that critical areas can be monitored to the best possible extent.
Mobile Person Protection System (PSA)

HUBTEX Load Manager (HLM)



Teleskopgabeln und andere Anbaugeräte